Thursday, July 31, 2008

tumbleweed lanched into the air......

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Story Idea #1 :Tonaskit Run

Our white van turned onto a familiar dusty old road,the road fallowed a coarse ruffly parallel to a swiftly flowing river on the right,and on the left was acer upon acer of farm and ranch land. I had bean driving for 2 or 3 hours now,and the fact that my mother, who was supposed to be watching the road, was snoring loudly in the back seat did nothing to calm my nerves.she was supposed to be reading THE RUNAWAY JURY to me so I could stay awake, but since I hadn't woken her when first she fell asleep it seabed cruel to wake her now.I new the house was close,I had been there many times when I was smaller,before I had learned about the world outside of my family,I can still remember the way my aunts apple orchard used to gleam,each apple was like a jewel ready to be plucked from the trees and placed in a bascete with its fellow, the world outside of the fairy tail in my mind seamed much more sense less and juvenile than I had ever imagined.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Storie Idea

Slick was sitting in the shad of a leafy covered bush in the backyard when I found him,his small pionted ears flitted this way and that caching even the slitest sound,as I aprouched,his eyes turned and focusted on me and seambed to be looking right through me.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Just Geting Started!!!

Hi! And welcome to Silvermoon Publishing House, to start off I would like to ask you NOT to print ,copy,or steal eny of the storys, charicters, or ideas posted on this site.
Thank You! Please feel free to enjoy poking around the site.