Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Story Idea#2

I came apon an interesting thing one day on my bus ride home.The bus had stopped at a park-in-ride so that the driver could be replaced,when an older gentalman borded.This man was VERY old, he had short gray hair and a beard,the first thing that I noticed though was the absence of 1 hand and 1 foot.And after a while my curiosity overcame me and a very interesting conversation was started,which leads me to the interesting thing.When he was a young man, he worked as a carpenter, but after a fuw years had past he wished to join the army and get some reall exitement,so he enlisted and was shiped out overseas. After about a year he came back to the states but with searious injurys and 2 bad infections.At first the docter ignored the infections in bolth the right hand and foot,consentrating on the injurys to the spine,and once the docter did get to the infections it was already to late and bolth hand and foot had to be amputated...when he finally left the hospital he had no wish to go back to his former occupation ,instead he had