Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A better Image

Ok so here is an even better pictureof my bff sami ............this is after the carnaval as you can see she got her face painted.............

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Long Time No Type.....

Hay... sorry I havent wrighten in a bit. So I guess its time to tell you a little about ME.....but to make it harder Im gonna try and do it without actually saying all that quintessence (thats my cousins word for stuff) about Ill bet you want to no who this is(pic. on the left)....thats my buddy from tonaskit(I no my spelling is terible)Her name is Sammy,aperently we look like sisters......O by the way isnt this a flattering picture of her...I think I met her when my cousins moved over there and I went to visit....we are just like twins its owsome,she goes to the congregation over there. When we first meet it was like this.....HI...HI.....SO IM RAINE...IM SAMMY.....can you say AKWARD I can....after such a fruitful meating though we where forced to be friends.....HOW OFFULLL!!!!!!! just kidding me and sammy are kindred spirits(as Ann would say).......I wish I lived over there we would always be hangin out...just CHILLIN....Enyway thats it for now Im trying to right every day this weak so maybe youll get to read more tomarrow...we will see....bbbbbbbb bye!!!!!!!