Sunday, December 27, 2009

Silversong Book One True Beginnings

Chapter One:

Bright as snow
Hard as stone
Glowing, Glistening
light is shown.
A murmur wispered
to the earth.
Quiet songs will bring it forth
the song of silver heard on earth.

The air was filled with light. Beams that burned through stone and flesh without distinction. Music followed the light in a dancing pattern through the stone ,untill the moment it touched the precious metal within. Silver melted and flowed to the surface creating a thin spidery web which covered the stone face.The music faded. The light dimmed.Only the soft glow of the miners glow sand held back the caves darkness .
An old man steped forward,he wore a faded red helmet, a pare of dirty trousers, and and black nee high boots. "Not much left at this site"the old man sighed taking off his helmet to wipe his sweating head. A young man of medium height stepped forward and addressed the older man "Gilland, we should send out a search party,this is the third cave thats been sung out this week and we know there arnt eny larg deposets around the area."Gilland frowned and turned his back to the younger man "We may find a larger load in the caves to the west, but we cant send enyone yet Scanald, it isnt time".
Scanald shrugged and turned fading into the tunnels darkness to make his way back to the surface.The path was remmembered not seen in the darkness that engulfed the tunnel.Finally fresh air wafted in through the caves mouth, he turned the last corner to see days light covering the land for the rest of the story starting 2010

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A River Of Storys

Sorry I havent up dated my blog earlyer but I was on a role for the last 4 months Iv been working on a book I would get stuck for a weak then suddenly an idea would pop me back out of my writers block.then the move and packing keaped me from getting back on and writing out why I was so long in the I wanted to up date you all on that keap you informed...soon Ill be in tonaskite and then Ill be back on and writing more then ever ...O and a quik up date on the new book Silversong, at the moment the first three chapters are about done at least the first draft of them is the 4th 5th and 6th chapters are geting there and I hope to be posting them soon an the blog....well thats all for tiger would say TTFN =ta ta for now!

Interesting fact=a large goup of crows is called a MURDER of crows...creapy right?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Dust In The Wind

The dreams we have should never be given up on.Left behind in some old alley we passed throu some years ago and rarely thought of they can dry up and crumble uncared for,lost; forgoten and left to rot ,what are we but dreams and hope for the future?What is left if they are gone?Nothing.Emptyness,and pain.What would we do without our dreams?Wither away,and become what we had let our dreams become,dust.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Short and slim with dark red brown hair and eyes.she is smart,quick,has a sharp tongue ,and is always looking to help out.Smells like dirt!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Hay if you have a cool name for a charicter or think your is a good one then email it to me!
My email is atached to my last post!Thanks.....


Birdswing is one of my charicters who hasnt chosen a side (good/evil), he is a robber but like robbin hood he steals only frome those who can aford it!He is tall with dark brown hair,and bright blue eyes, his ears are slitly pointed and people often say that its because he gruw up in the woods with the fire elfs....Idle gosip of corse....he always whers a dark blue black vest and a midnight long sleaved shirt, a pair of long dark pants and tall boots.

Do YOU think he should be good or evil in the book?
post your answers on my blog or email them to me at

A Childs Mouth Story:Matilin And The Big Bad Book

“I won’t, I can’t!” screamed Matilin. The book that teacher had assigned her lay open and discarded on the floor. “Matilin Judith Fleat, you will control yourself!” roared the teacher. This child was getting on her nerves. The child positively refused to even look at a book. “You can’t make me read just anytime you want! If I wanted to read your STUPID, SMELLY, BOOK… then I would!” Matilin’s foot came down hard on the books spine Crack!! Matilin ran out of the room, her angry words fading with her footsteps. The book’s spine was broken in and a small footprint marked the damaged cover overlapping the beautifully written title: The Three Little Pigs. It was three days since Matilin had killed “The Evil Book” without pictures and no one had said a thing about her having to read so Matilin was naturally very suspicious when that teacher called her over to the book corner. “Matilin, I want to give you a present”, “That Teacher” said, “I want you to pick out a book from the shelf to keep as your very own!” “That Teacher” smiled, she seemed very pleased with her stupid, mean self! “And I don’t have to read it?” It was more a demand from the eight year old than a question. “Only read it if you want.” The Teacher smiled; maybe she wasn’t so bad after all. Matilin Turned and looked at each of the books. She was no fool. She would pick out a big book and show them all how smart she was. There it was. The book had a leather cover and a red ribbon to tie it closed. The title named it a collection of children’s stories. “I choose this one.” Matilin pointed to the beautiful dark spined book. “Are you sure? That one doesn’t have any pictures and there are a lot of words.” But, the child had made up her mind. The next morning as the teacher approached the door she noticed all the children were sitting attentively watching something. As she drew closer, a voice steady and rhythmic could be heard saying, “Roared the teacher this child was getting on her nerves.” Matilin sat, feat curled under her in the big reading chair. A large book lay open in her lap; a golden ribbon marked the page she read from “The child positively refused to even look at a book.” The words rolled out as if she was speaking from memory and not reading from a book. “That’s where I’ll stop for today.” she informed her rapt audience when she noticed the teacher standing in the doorway. “Good morning Miss. Ladezma.”, she said as she hopped out of the chair and walked to her seat. Miss. Ladezma smiled.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The News

I havent wrighten for a while so Ive got to catch you up.....

1st my cousin sent me some mail (its allways nice to get A letter)so I wrot her back

2nd in the process of wrighting her back I finaly overcame my wrighters block with an idea

3rd I wont be wrighting on hear very often because Im working on something big but once Im done Ill copy and paste it onto the blog for you to read.

4TH my cousin will be getting the hole book as I wright it Im sending it to her as letters
but its only going to be the 1st draft and the 2nd draft is what Ill post hear......

Thanks for reading!